24 October 2008

Mustafa and Red Cloud

Jenny started painting Mustafa's portrait in oils on Friday, 24th October 2008. It is now completed.
Mustafa is a four thousand year old Egyptian Holy Man.

He first revealed himself to Jenny while she was attending post graduate Psychotherapy/Hypnotherapy Master Classes in Hypnosis at Birkbeck College, London University nearly twenty years ago.

Through Jenny he helps many people by giving guidance with their lives on a one to one basis and during Clairvoyant Demonstrations around the World.

Jenny created this oil painting of Michael's guide, who is called Red Cloud.
Red Cloud is Michael's doorkeeper and helps by giving philosophy and healing through Michael.

He was introduced to Michael one morning as he was wondering about the identity of his doorkeeper.

That evening in a spiritual circle Red Cloud told Michael more about himself and the work that they would do together.

He lived on Earth with the Lakota Sioux near the Dakota Mountains and is here now working to help bring peace and enlightenment to the World.

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